Bloodroot flowers.

 Bloodroot(sanguianaria canadensis)
Binomial:Sanguinaria canadensis
Type:Perennial (spring ephemeral)
Light requirements:Sun to full deciduous shade
Soil requirements:Rich, well-drained
Root:Red rhizomes with a red sap
Toxicity and edibility:Toxic
 Bloodroot, (Sanguinaria canadensis) features beautiful white flowers that open in early Spring and a dark red root, 
 Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) is a perennial, herbaceous flowering plant native to eastern North America from Nova Scotia, Canada southward to Florida, United States. It is the only species in the genus Sanguinaria, and is included in the family Papaveraceae.
Bloodroot is also known as bloodwort, red puccoon root, and sometimes pauson. Bloodroot has also been known as tetterwort in America, although that name is used in Britain to refer to Greater Celandine.
Bloodroot grows to 60 cm tall, with one large, sheath-like basal multi-lobed leaf up to 30 cm across. The flowers are produced from March to May, with 8-12 delicate white petals and yellow reproductive parts that appear to be clasped by the leaf. The flower is short-lived, but the leaf continues to grow until mid-summer, when the plant becomes dormant. Bloodroot stores sap in an underground rhizome the sap is toxic.
 Blood Root: Sanguinaria canadensis. The flowers come out first and then the leaves grow. The flowers are about 2 inches wide while the leaves grow to about 6 inches wide. The plant is about 8 inches high so you want to plant it in the front of your plainting beds. The unusual leaf shape adds constrast and texture.
Start Blood Root in the shade and after about 5 years it will spread through the garden. It is not invasive and is very welcome any where it wants to settle in garden.
The plant can grow between 6 to 7 inches tall and begins its season in March and ends in April. The leaves on the bloodroot are called basal type leaves and the plant has one flower per stalk. It has a small white flower and roots that range in color from orange to red. The plant is considered endangered and it is discouraged to take bloodroot from the wild and encouraged to buy a starter plant from a nursery. Bloodroot is relatively easy to grow and flourishes in many types of soil and climates.
Get a starter plant, seeds, or a root cutting from a bloodroot plant.

Plant the roots, seeds, or starter plant in light sandy soil that is slightly acidic about 12 to 18 inches apart.

Make sure you are planting in a shady to partly sunny area.

Keep watered well as bloodroot thrives when by bodies of water.

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