Anthurium flamingo flowers.

 Origin: Costa Rica

Height: 12-18 inches (30-45 cm). Flower stalks may need staking.

Light: Bright light, but no direct sun.

Water: Keep soil evenly moist year-round. Yellow leaves may be a sign of overwatering.

Humidity: Moderate to high. Use a humidity tray or a room humidifier if the relative humidity drops below 50 percent.

Temperature: Average to warm 65-75°F, 18-24°C

Soil: Peat moss based potting mix. African violet mix works well.

Fertilizer: Feed every 2 weeks in spring and summer with a high-phosphorus liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Propagation: Divide crowded clumps when repotting. Spring is the best time to start new plants. High humidity will give them a good start.
 Flamingo Flower is well-known by its red, oval spathes, each with a twisted, orange spadix covered densely with its tiny, true flowers. Spathes last for up to 8 weeks.
Large pointed, dark-green leaves grow up to 7 in (18 cm) long and surround the upright flower stems. Anthurium leaves are poisonous. They contain calcium oxalate crystals that can cause severe burning in the mouth. Keep your flamingo plant away from pets who may play with or chew on its foliage. It's also a good idea to wear gloves when handling anthurium plant to avoid skin irritation.
You'll find anthurium growing in warm, tropical regions. This Central America native prefers bright light, moist soil and moist air. Newer cultivars are less fussy about humidity and many hybrids are more lush, compact, and will bloom nearly year-round, taking a break in winter.

Flamingo Flower Care Tips

Repot a young plant in spring when its roots have filled the container. Set the plant high so that the crown sits above the soil line. If roots appear at the surface between repottings, cover them with potting mix. Move your anthurium plant to a pot only 1 size larger. Be sure to use a pot with a drainage hole. Good drainage is essential to prevent root rot. 
 Flamingo Flower grows best with even temperatures around 70°F/21°C. Exposing it to temperatures below 60°F/10°C can cause its leaves to turn yellow. It doesn't like drafts either.

Keep leaves clean. Anthurium leaves are naturally glossy. Just wipe them with a damp cloth, or spray with a fine mist of room-temperature water, to keep them dust-free. Avoid leaving water drops on the leaves because it may cause a fungus that appears as dry, brown spots that need to be treated with a fungicide.
This is a beautiful, lush tropical plant even when not in bloom. Give your anthurium growing conditions like its native habitat, and you'll enjoy it for several years.

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